The Benefits of NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution
As the world’s #1 cloud business software provider, NetSuite helps thousands of organizations streamline and run their entire business in the cloud. If you own or operate a wholesale distribution company, NetSuite’s e-commerce and distribution software will help you to grow your business and provide new services while increasing customer service and reducing costs. Contact an independent NetSuite consultant in King of Prussia to learn more about the benefits of NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution, including:
Real-Time Visibility and Reporting
NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution comes with built-in support for wholesale distribution processes and industry-specific dashboards that provide real-time visibility throughout your entire organization, from sales to operations to invoicing. Your independent NetSuite consultant can show you how to access NetSuite’s real-time dashboards to streamline reporting and analysis across ERP, CRM, and e-commerce.
Automated Order Processing
NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution links customer orders from call centers or websites all the way to the customer’s doorstep. Full-process visibility and tracking, along with integrated shipping and order fulfillment, help ease the challenges of multiple channels, partial ship, and drop-shipping requirements. NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution can also help you tackle the challenges that come with dynamic order volumes.
Streamlined Assembly
NetSuite’s top-down platform can streamline assembly and repackaging processes with product packaging, bin-and-lot tracking, assembly creation, and pick-pack-and-ship features. Contact an independent NetSuite partner in King of Prussia to how NetSuite’s single, flexible business application can minimize the hassles and complexity of in-house supply chain management.
Reduced Operating Costs
Taken as a whole, NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution significantly reduces operating costs. Inventory and fulfillment management, marketing and sales automation, automated order processing, real-time reporting, and integrated financial management are just a few of the industry-specific processes that can streamline business operations, reduce operating costs, and increase your bottom line.