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and you know she knows. You have a problem.

You have a condition called “Excel-itus”. It’s really not your fault, you were introduced to spreadsheets early in your life and not it has complete control over you. At first, you were an occasional user but now it’s many times every day- you are hooked. Many days you’d like to get freed from spreadsheets but you can’t. And you’re not alone; across the country there are thousands of executives in your shoes and though many think they are trapped forever, many found healing.

The symptoms of ‘Excel-itus’ are numerous and are further explained on Here are a few: you stay up late to finish reports, you have anxiety over versioning, you are a Jedi at pivot-table, you can transform anything with rows & columns into a report, you have a deep love for graphs, etc.

The causes of Excel-itus usually have to do with inadequate business systems: accounting package that cannot produce reports, inefficiencies in the organization, homegrown or patched-on applications. Many would-be healers tend to recommend low-cost treatments: patching more system, adding layers of integration, etc.

The real source of healing for Excel-itus is simple but may be difficult for some: surgery. The operation removes inadequate business system applications, removes obtrusive third party integration, eliminates manual labor, increases profits and streamlines all business processes in one system. We call it getting ERP-ed. The operation is radical in transforming the way business operates and is liberating for all its executives.

Deploying an ERP effectively removes any and all dependence on spreadsheets. Once cured all information from all business units is centered in one integrated system that keeps and displays information in real-time. Those who choose the Cloud ERP also experience the incredible benefits of full mobility without relying on VPN’s, relief over security breaches, protection from hardware sellers upgrades and more.

We cured many people from Excel-itus. As a matter of a fact this has become a specialty for our practice. If you think you suffer from Excel-itus, or if a friend you know suffers from it and would like to know if you are a candidate for the surgery contact us today do not delay until the next round of quarterly reports are due!